Showing posts with label Joshua. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joshua. Show all posts

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Ma: tadi beli baterai sama apa di toko?
J: baterai sama buat jantungan...
Ma: heh??? (Barang apa yg buat jantungan?@@)
Pa: beli gantungan baju....(=hanger)

Monday, December 23, 2013

Pentas Natal

Kemarin hari perayaan Natal di Sekolah Minggu. Joshua Songmin dan Papanya sudah berlatih tiap Minggu, gladi bersih, dan kemarin tibalah saat pementasan. Setiap kali latihan, dia selalu bernyanyi dan menari dengan semangat (seperti di video minggu lalu). Namun, kemarin, sejak di atas panggung sampai pementasan selesai, dia bersembunyi di balik Papanya.

Ketika ditanya mengapa dia tidak mau pentas?
Dia menjawab sambil menangis, dia bilang karena ada temannya yang menonton, jadi dia tidak mau.
Ketika Mama menjelaskan bahwa Songmin menari dan menyanyi bukan untuk teman, bukan untuk Mama Papa, tapi to let your light shine, untuk memuliakan Tuhan, to glorify your Father in heaven, seperti ayat yang dihafalkannya minggu lalu (Mat 5:16), Songmin pentas untuk Tuhan,...dia seketika berhenti menangis!

Pementasan kedua di hari itu, di ibadah umum, Joshua Songmin tampil dengan baik. Dia belajar satu hal bahwa yang dia lakukan semata-mata untuk kemuliaan Tuhan.

Kolose 3:23 "Apa pun juga yang kamu perbuat, perbuatlah dengan segenap hatimu seperti untuk Tuhan dan bukan untuk manusia."

*Thanks God for the lesson learnt together with JoSH #everydaythanks
 — with Agus Susanto.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


A cheerful heart is good medicine. Proverbs17:22

A story to bring you smile and laughter ^^

M: (kepingin minum kopi/ngopi)...Pa, yuk kita ngupi-ngupi yukkk...
(Joshua songmin dengar dan menjawab...)
J: Mama...kok ngupil-ngupil tho, Ma!
M&P: wuakakak (guling-guling di kasur) o(^-^)o

Have a bright smile! #everydaythanks
 — with Agus Susanto.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Sakit Kepala

Seharian sakit kepala. Dua kalimat termanis yang saya dengar: "Mama, sampai rumah langsung tidur ya. Papa, nanti Papa kerokin Mama, ya." Dan penutup yang termanis adalah ketika tangan kecil itu mengoleskan minyak kayu putih di punggung dan memeluk leher saya. ㅠㅠ — feeling loved.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Begini rasanya punya anak yang berbicara multi bahasa. Tercengang ketika dia berbicara sambil bermain mobil2annya dan kami tidak mengerti artinya (dalam hal ini arti kata 'rescue'). Sampai memintanya menjelaskan kepada kami apa artinya. Ternyata dia belajar kosakata2 dari film kartun favoritnya. Jadi teringat Presiden Negara Dagelan dan Caecilia Oscarrianita...gimana rasanya dulu ngelihat Rafa cas cis cus bhs Korea? ^^

용감한 구조대 로보카 폴리 우리가 부르면 어디든 달려가요 우리의 친구 로보카 폴리 도움이 필요할땐 언제든 달려가요 폴리 용감하고 빠르죠 로이 누구보다 강해요 엠버 상냥하고 똑똑해 헬리 하늘위로 날아요 저높이 용감한 구조대 로보카 폴리 그 어떤 어려움도 언제나 이겨내죠 우리의 친구 로보카 폴리 힘차게 불러봐요 로보카 폴리

(shout: to the rescue!)
Courageous rescue team, Robocar Poli.
When we call them, they will go anywhere.
Our friend, Robocar Poli,
Whenever help is needed, they will go.
Poli! Brave and fast.
Roi! Stronger than anyone.
Amber! Kind and smart.
Helli! Soaring high above the skies.
Courageous rescue team, Robocar Poli.
He overcomes all obstacles.
Our friend, Robocar Poli,
Let's sing out loud, Robocar~~Poli!

Friday, November 1, 2013


1Nov2013, terima kasih Tuhan untuk kekritisan dan keunikan Joshua Songmin yang kami terima sebagai anugerahMu tiap hari.

Mama: lho kamu digigit nyamuk ya
Joshua: nanti kita ke hotel ya
Mama: kenapa kok ke hotel?
Joshua: soalnya di rumah banyak nyamuk
Papa/Mama: Grrrrr
(usut punya usut, pikir punya pikir..... waktu pulang Indo, Joshua banyak sekali digigit nyamuk, kecuali waktu menginap di hotel. Dan dia ingat itu terus....hehehe)

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Dalam suatu pembicaraan dengan Songmin, dia berkata, "Mama, jangan meninggal. Mama jangan jadi tua. Mama disini aja terus sama aku."

*Bersyukur atas kesehatan dan kesempatan hidup bersama orang yang kita cintai. 
*Seringkali orangtua hanya memikirkan kesehatan, nutrisi, dan perkembangan anaknya. Namun kita sebagai orang tua juga harus bertanggung jawab dan memperhatikan kesehatan tubuh kita sendiri yaitu dengan mengkonsumsi makanan yang sehat, berolahraga dan beristirahat yang cukup. 


Monday, October 21, 2013


JSHL: papa, bawa roti ini buat dimakan di sekolah. Haniel taruh di tas papa ya (sambil memasukkan roti yang dimaksud ke dalam tas papanya)
Papa: #everydaythanks 21 Oct 2013 ^^
 — feeling blessed

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Orang tua!

Karena sering sekali bicara bahasa Korea, papa nanya ke Songmin...

P: Kamu kok pinter bahasa Koreanya. Kamu orang Korea apa orang Indonesia, toh?
S: (menjawab dengan mantap) orang tua!
P & M: Kikikikik....

*selamat beristirahat semuanya*

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Minggu yang buruk?

Minggu ini menjadi minggu yang akan susah terlupakan buat kami. Banyak hal tak terduga yang terjadi, jadwal yang jadi kacau, dan uang terkuras karena ceroboh. Hm.

Singkat ceritanya, dimulai dari Josh yang sakit di hari Selasa dan langsung dibawa ke rumah sakit. Rumah sakit di dekat rumah ini baru pertama kali kami kunjungi sehingga perlu waktu untuk tahu sistemnya, tahu lokasi ruang periksanya, kenalan dengan dokternya, dan sebagainya.

Hari Rabu, Josh harus di rumah dulu karena masih sakit, jadi runtutannya Mamanya bolos kuliah.

Hari berikutnya, semestinya Josh sudah ke sekolah lagi, tapi karena kondisinya masih belum baik, dan karena hari Sabtu Minggu tidak ada dokter yang buka praktek, juga karena kami berencana ke pulau Geoje dengan teman-teman gereja, maka diputuskan balik lagi ke dokter untuk tanya kenapa belum sembuh. Seperti sudah diduga, Josh masih harus tetap minum obat dan sebaiknya stay di rumah. Karena Josh stay di rumah dan Mamanya ga konsen kerja paper, mulailah acara bersih-bersih rumah.

Biasanya San bagian cuci baju, masukkan pakaian ke mesin cuci. Kali ini karena ada waktu, aku masukin baju ke mesin cuci dan mulai mencuci. Beberapa saat kemudian, betapa kagetnya, rumah banjir! Ternyata batu penutup saluran air belum dipindah! Cape deh. *tepok jidat* Rentetan kasus berikutnya, tetangga bawah rumah marah karena plafonnya bocor kena air, jadi harus bayar kerugian untuk perbaikan plafonnya ㅠㅠ

Karena seharian tegang, jadi ga bisa tidur, akhirnya kerja tugas deh sampai subuh. Dibuat tidur juga belum bisa tidur-tidur juga...Hari berikutnya, boyok pegel linu, letih lemah letih lesu...Paper belum selesai, badan sakit, mata ngantuk. Tidur pulas, bablas deh sampai pagi.

Hari Sabtu, kami putuskan tidak ikut ke Geoje (*lain kali kudu kesana*). Kasihan juga ngelihat Josh di rumah terus, akhirnya bentar deh kita jalan-jalan yang dekat aja, ke mall. Lha kok, disini San kehilangan cincin pernikahan. Gak biasanya dia kehilangan barang. Sudah lewat dua jam sejak cincinnya hilang baru dia nyadar, untung kita belum jauh dari lokasi. Setelah lapor bagian informasi, tidak sampai 15 menit ada telepon masuk bilang kalau cincinnya ketemu. Wuih! Jadi penasaran siapa yang yang temukan cincin itu. :)

Sampai disini belum berarti selesai semua masalah di minggu ini. Begitu sampai di rumah, eh...pintu rumah ga bisa dibuka! Dieng! Apa lagi ini. Dari awal kami pindah ke rumah ini sebenarnya sudah ada yang memberitahu kalau pintunya agak rusak. Tapi karena belum mengalami ada masalah maka kami merasa baik-baik saja. Untung saja tukang kunci mau datang di hari Sabtu begini. Kuncinya rusak, tidak bisa dibetulkan dan harus diganti yang baru. Ya sudah.

Sewaktu San ke tempat satpam untuk pinjam tangga untuk coba masuk lewat jendela (ternyata tidak bisa!), dia bertemu dengan tetangga bawah rumah kami yang bermasalah di minggu ini. Dia menanyakan kenapa kok cari tangga. San menjawab bahwa pintu rumah kami rusak. Dia kemudian berkata kepada San, apa yang telah kamu perbuat sehingga kamu punya banyak sekali masalah. Kami berpikir bahwa dia mungkin ingin mengatakan tentang karma, dimana ketika kamu berbuat salah maka akan ada balasan kepadamu di kemudian hari.

Ketika San bercerita tentang hal itu, aku teringat kotbah Pendeta Son hari Minggu yang lalu. Beliau berkata bahwa jika kita menjadi orang Kristen, jangan berharap bahwa hidup kita akan lancar dan bebas dari masalah. Menjadi Kristen bukan berarti bahwa hidup kita akan baik-baik saja. Masalah yang kita hadapi ini merupakan sarana bagi kita untuk melatih diri kita menaruh pengharapan kepada Tuhan. Masalah yang kita hadapi dipakai Tuhan untuk suatu kebaikan.

*Josh sakit sehingga kami harus pergi ke rumah sakit yang belum pernah kami datangi untuk tahu lokasinya, dokternya dan sistemnya sehingga kami di kemudian hari bisa beri info ke orang yang memerlukan.
*Masalah dengan tetangga bawah rumah membuat kami mengenal lebih dekat siapa dia dan bagaimana hidupnya.
* Kehilangan cincin pernikahan membuat kami lebih menghargai bahwa pernikahan bukan lebih dari sekedar cincin. Plus juga harus berhati-hati meletakkan barang berharga.

Jikalau kita melakukan hal yang baik, itu bukan demi mendapatkan hidup yang baik di masa depan, namun kita hidup dengan baik untuk berterima kasih kepada Tuhan yang sudah memberkati kita terlebih dahulu.

Minggu ini bukan minggu yang buruk. Minggu ini minggu yang luar biasa seru!
Bagaimana dengan minggumu?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Josh's stories^^

Seorang anak sedang mainan pesawat2an...
J: Ma...kenapa kalau pesawatnya sudah naik, kok roda pesawatnya gak masuk ke dalam ya?
M: Itu karena pesawatnya pesawat mainan, kalau pesawat yang beneran, rodanya masuk ke dalam kalau sudah terbang.
J: Mosok???
M: Iya...
J: Mosok???
M: .......

Sekeluarga sedang hiking, tiba2...
J: Ma ada caterpillar!
M: Mana? Mana?...Hiiiiiii...(bergidik ngelihat makhluk kecil keluget-keluget)
J: Mama jangan takut Ma. Ada Tuhan Yesus!
M: .......

Lagi jalan-jalan...
M: Wah lihat ada strawberry!
J: Mama...jangan diambil, Ma...biarkan strawberrynya mekar terus menetas...
M: ... (ini anak mixed-up bunga mekar, telur menetas, sama buah matang)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Josh's story

biasanya dengar dia ngomong bhs indonesia, bhs korea, bhs inggris...barusan dia nanya, "Ma, jam piro?" @@ 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mama, let's pray!

Yesterday morning, JoSH woke up earlier than both of us. San and I talked pass midnight and felt into deep sleep.

JoSH woke me up and say, "Mama, 기도합시다." It means, Mama, let's pray.
My eyes were still hard to open but I realized this was a very sincere request of him. I could not stand continue to sleep.I woke up straight away, taking a position to pray.

He then looked at his father who was still sleeping and say, "Papa, 기도합시다."
San who just came back from Cheonan after attending a church revival event, was very tired but he answered, "Yes."

JoSH took a proper sitting position and praying hand. We started the day with pray.

My heart was touched by him on that day. It was not easy to build praying habit for him. Sometimes he refuses to pray. He just wants to keep playing or go straight to bed. Sometimes he wants to eat his food before praying. Also, I still remember when he was still a baby how he cried whenever we closed our eyes to pray. I thought he was afraid about us closing our eyes. I even created a praying song that we always sing before our meals, since he loves singing and easier to introduce him to pray through songs.

He learnt to say 'Amen' and till now he eagerly says 'Amen' every time he knows the pray is about to the end.

He didn't like if the Sunday School teacher hugged him and prayed for him. He would always try to escape from teacher's hug. But recently, he can stay calm till teacher finishes her pray.

Thank you JoSH for the meaningful morning. We hope that praying is not just about habit but it is truly said from your heart, whenever you thanks God or talks with Him. We pray that you will always love God with all your heart and mind. God loves you, my son. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bahasa JoSH

Progress Joshua berbicara mulai meningkat akhir-akhir ini. Mama Papa jadi sering terkaget-kaget karena mendengar dia berbicara hal-hal yang baru, dan tertawa-tawa karena lucu, seru deh pokoknya...hehe.

Josh belajar bicara dengan tiga bahasa campur-campur, Korea, Inggris dan Indonesia. Jadi waktu bicara masih suka dicampur-campur juga seingat dia.

Beberapa yang Mama ingat mau ditulis disini nih buat kenang-kenangan. Gak semuanya sih, yang keinget aja, karena ngomongnya uda banyak banget.

* Mama, 누워
* Duduk, sit down, 앉아
* 앉으세요 sini...
* Bobo, sleep
* 자장 자장
* Car 이로 와, Truck 이로 와, Bus 이로 와
* Aduh aduh
* Syung-syung
* Thank you
* Bye-bye 아주마
* Sakit, jatuh
* Happy birthday to you
* Mandi, sikat gigi
* Eyes, nose, 입, ears
* Hand, 발
* Ball, bola, 공
* Bear, cat, dog, 코끼리

Seru deh...^^

Monday, April 16, 2012

Do you love me?

This morning I had a very lovely conversation with Joshua Songmin:

Mama : Do you love me?
JoSH   : Yes!
Mama : (melted and hugged him straight away)

JoSH is still 19 months old but somehow I feel that he grown up faster than his age. Looking back on videos and pictures of him taken last year, he was a very young baby, just started to eat solid food. But one year after, he is a little man who can express his feeling. Time flies! Now, he can answer questions, he can react to our requests or instructions. He is so independent he wants to hold on his spoon and plate and feeds himself. He even helps us doing laundry or using vacuum cleaner to clean the floor. He kisses our cheeks and hugs when he want to show his love to my husband and I. 

JoSH is smart. But that's not the most important about him. As JoSH parents, the biggest responsibility is to bring him knowing Jesus Christ who loves him even bigger than us, the parents. 

I love you, my son! Jesus loves you, too.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Conversations with JoSH

JoSH (J)    : Mama...
Mama (M) : Yes...
J                : 됐다! (showing me his empty milk bottle...)
Before going to Indonesia for vacation he said 'finished'; while in Indonesia for a month, he said 'habis'...but after two weeks back in Korea, he said '됐다'...

Showing him Jiajia's pictures on facebook...
M : Do you want to see Jiajia?
J   : Yes!
M : (smiling)

M : Let's pray together...
J   : 앉아? (Sit down?)
M : Yes.
J   : OK...
M : ...dalam nama Tuhan Yesus, kami berdoa...(in the name of Jesus, we pray)
J   : AMIN...(Amen)

Sunday, April 1, 2012


When seeing San kissed on my cheek, the little boy said "내꺼야..." and hugged me :))

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Teacher's letter

JoSH has been three months in daycare. Yesterday, I told the teacher who usually picked him up in the morning that it was his last day in the daycare since we are going to have vacation abroad. He will come back to daycare after we arrive back in Korea. Teacher showed a surprise mimic but then she remembered that I have told her about it few weeks ago.

When JoSH arrived home in the afternoon. I found a piece of letter from the teacher. I read it and touched with her words. She loves JoSH so much. I am blessed that JoSH has a teacher who love and care about him.

Teacher wrote the letter in Korean, here is the translation.

Dear Songmin's Mommy,

I am really happy and feeling good to be together with the cute and handsome Songmin.

Whenever he tries to imitate the sisters and brothers' attitude, he is really cute and lovely.
If the sisters beat his shoulder gently, the handsome Songmin also comes and gives gentle massage to sisters' shoulders.
Still fresh in my mind the scene about Songmin when the brothers give food in a small bowl and ask him to eat, he will put the fruit inside the bowl and using his two hands to receive it.
Songmin who likes to follow teacher everywhere teacher moves, listens to teacher's word and quickly do the conduct.
The handsome Songmin eats and sleeps well.

I will miss him so much!
When Songmin smiles, all of tiredness disappear in a sudden.
Everytime I miss him, I will look at his picture and feel happy.
Be healthy and be a happy family!
Have a safe trip.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Korean Children Song (동요)

I love to teach children song to my baby. I usually sing for him nursery song in English or Indonesian which I know very well. But since I sent JoSH to daycare (orini jib ~ 어린이 집), I tought that he must have learnt some Korean Children song in the daycare. 

Previously I just knew 'The Three Bears' song which is very popular since it was also sung in Korean drama 'Full House'. It is the first children song I learnt in Korea. Knowing only this song and sings it every time to the baby made me curious to know and learn other Korean children songs.

I came across this video in youtube and listened to the songs. Three of the songs are popular song in Korea. The rhythm and melodies are so easy to follow. It didn't take me a long time to memorized the easy-to-sing songs and the simple movements. The lyrics also has simple meaning but suitable for children. We feel happy whenever we sing these children songs.

Here is the lyrics and the translation if you want to sing together with your kids:

옹달샘 ~ Mata Air/Sumur Kecil

깊은 산속 옹달샘, 누가 와서 먹나요?
Small deep spring in the forest, who will come and drink?
맑고 맑은 옹달샘, 누가 와서 먹나요?
Small clear spring in the forest, who will come and drink?
새벽에 토끼가 눈 비비고 일어나
In the dawn, rabbit rubbed its eyes and woke up
세수하러 왔다가 물만 먹고 가지요.
She came to wash her eyes, drank the water and went away.
깊은 산 속 옹달샘, 누가 와서 먹나요?
Small deep spring in the forest, who will come and drink?
맑고 맑은 옹달샘, 누가 와서 먹나요?
Small clear spring in the forest, who will come and drink?
달밤에 노루가 숨바꼭질 하다가
In moonlight, when deer play hide and seek
목마르면 달려와 얼른 먹고 가지요.
If she feels thirsthy, run and drink quickly, and then go away.

퐁당퐁당 ~ Plop plop

퐁당퐁당 돌을 던지자, 누나 몰래 돌을 던지자 
Plop plop throw the stone, when sister doesn't know, throw the stone
냇물에 퍼져라 멀리 멀리 퍼져라 

The ripples are spread away, spread far-far away
건너편에 앉아서 나물을 씻는 

Sister is sitting on the other side, washing sprout
우리 누나 손등을 간지러 주어라. 
Let's tickle our sister's hand with the gentle waves.

퐁당퐁당 돌을 던지자 , 누나 몰래 돌을 던지자 

Plop plop throw the stone, when sister doesn't know, throw the stone 
냇물아 퍼져라 퍼질대로 퍼져라 

The ripples are spread away, ruffle to the other side 
고운노래 한마디 들려달라고 

Making you plop, plopping sounds into a beautiful song
우리 누나 손등을 간지러 주어라. 

Let's tickle our sister's hand with the gentle waves.

둥글게 둥글게 ~ Round Round

둥글게 둥글게  둥글게 둥글게
Round, round, round, round
빙글 빙글 돌아가며 춤을 춥시다
Follow the music, move around and let's dance
손뼉을 치면서 노래를 부르며
While clapping hands, sing the song
라라라라 즐거웁게 춤추자
Lalalala, let's dance happily

링가링가링~가 링가링가 링
Ring ga ring ga ring ~ ga ring ga ring ga ring
링가링가링~가 링가링가 링
Ring ga ring ga ring ~ ga ring ga ring ga ring

손에 손을 잡고 모두 다 함께
Come together, hand in hand
즐거웁게 뛰어봅시다
Let's jump happily

둥글게 둥글게 둥글게 둥글게
Round, round, round, round
빌글 빙글 돌아가며 춤을 춥시다
Follow the music, move around and let's dance
손뼉을 치면서 노래를 부르며
While clapping hands, sing the song
라라라라 즐거웁게 춤추자 .
Lalalala, let's dance happily

비/ Bi (Rain) Singing 3 bears ~ (Full House): uploaded by Arygato1
[HD] 20100711 SS501 with children: uploaded by suangs
퐁당퐁당 picture:

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Year in Korea - Seollal (설날)

Korean New Year is typically known as Seollal (설날). It is the first day in lunar calendar. Of course, people also celebrate solar new year in January 1 each year, but Seollal is more important than solar new year. Usually, there is three days holiday for Seollal (there is only one day holiday for solar new year), one day before, the new year day, and the day after. 

The video below will give you general idea about Seollal and the traditions.

In Seollal, people will go home to meet their family and relatives, especially visiting the older people (parents and or grandparents). They will take many hours to go to visit their loved one despite the heavy traffic. Also, Koreans will wear their traditional clothes on new year day, which is hanbok. However, some families choose not to wear hanbok anymore, because they become less formal and due to the expensive price of hanbok, kids who grew up don't have any hanbok perfect for their size anymore. Women are busy at home cleaning houses and cooking. They prepare so many food to eat on Seollal, no wonder the activities in market few weeks before Seollal is always so high and crowded. 

Other than tteokguk (떡국) - soup with sliced rice cakes, which is a custom food in New Year, ritual ceremony and folk games played in New Year, the important one to do is 'Sebae', which is a deep traditional bow.  Children or younger person shall bow to older ones and say '새해 복 많이 받으세요' which can be translated as 'Receive many blessings in New Year'. Then, older people will give pocket money for children.

The video below showing the tradition and method of giving Sebae to older people:

Also, this video is so cute, showing children with their colorful hanbok doing sebae and receive their pocket money from their grandparents.

I remembered that my Korean Language teacher has taught me to do Sebae and followed with the tea ceremony. We were in Korean Culture Class at that time, so we wore hanbok and practiced the culture together.Here are the pictures. 

You can notice that men and women have different method of Sebae. Men bow so deep until their head touch the floor, but women do not do the same. Besides that, hand position and sitting position after doing Sebae are also different.  The class was so interesting for me. Even though in Indonesia, there is celebration for lunar new year which we called Imlek or Chinese New Year, but the traditions are not the same. 

Happy New Year to all of you.

With love from Busan,
Dita ^^