Monday, April 5, 2010

Wide or narrow road?

Last week, I went to Busan Station to accompany two friends who wanted to take KTX train to Seoul as part of their journey back to Indonesia.

We took a taxi to the station. It's not too far, just about 15-20 minutes. I sat in front next to the driver.

Last year, San usually took me to his campus at Yeoung-do by bus and transfered  to another bus right on the opposite of Busan Station. So, I know the way to go there quite well.

Suddenly, the taxi driver took another direction other than what I used to know. Instead of driving on the wide road (which is about 6 lanes), he chose a one-direction and narrow road. The road was just enough for two cars if no cars park in one side of the road. So, he couldn't drive as fast as if he took the wide road.

I was curious to know why he chose this road instead of the wide one which I also knew. But, I kept silent and just saw where he wanted to bring us.

Finally, I could see the open area in front of Busan Station! I then realized that he took us to the right way. He chose the narrow road so that he would not need to find a u-turn which is probably far away from the station, he chose the shorter distance even though it was slower a bit than the wide road.

Many times in our life, we ask God why we have to walk in such a way. Why He doesn't permit us to walk on the wide and easy road just like other people? Why He lets us to walk in a small, narrow, bad, road where we have to be careful and could not run?

He knows the answer! He knows which way is better for us. He is the Creator which means that He knows everything and He would not let His children in danger.

Just trust His heart!

"For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

Picture is taken from

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